booxi status
All systems operational
This is Booxi's status page, here you'll find the current status and incident history of Booxi.
Don't agree with what's reported here? Contact us at [email protected].
booxi North America outages Operational
booxi North America production instance
60 days ago % Uptime Today
booxi Europe outages Operational
booxi Europe production instance
60 days ago % Uptime Today
booxi Services Operational
For incidents with : APIs, Video conference, SMS notification (twillio) , Email notification (sendgrid), booxi mobile app, Payments (square, stripe), third-party connectors, Book now component, etc.
booxi North America - Software updates Operational
Subscribe to this service to receive SMS or email notifications ahead of our software updates for booxi North America.
booxi Europe - Software updates Operational
Subscribe to this service to receive SMS or email notifications ahead of our software updates for booxi Europe.
Incident & maintenance history
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